Thanks to everyone who came out in solidarity for last month’s Gig for Gaza, a whopping €5600 was raised from the event and was donated directly to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund. Thanks to everyone[…]
Tag: cilliangarvey
Gallery | Manish Pingle & Mohammad Syfkhan
Some images from Manish Pingle, Debajyoti Sanyal and Mohammad Syfkhan’s sold out performance in Tobar Naofa chapel last month. Thanks for Kerry County Council allowing the use of the venue and support. Photos Cillian Garvey
Gallery | Hatis Noit & Brìghde Chaimbeul
Some photos of Hatis Noit and Brìghde Chaimbeul’s breathtaking performances in St’ Johns Church in May. Photos Cillian Garvey
Gallery | The Outside & Cian Ó Cíobháin
Some photos of The Outside & Cian Ó Cíobháin playing Clubheadbangbang on the 31st of October. Photos Cillian Garvey
Gallery | A Burial At Sea & The Low Field
Some photos of Burial At Sea and The Low Field playing Clubheadbangbang on the 12th of August. Photos Cillian Garvey